How Sexual Harassment Training Creates Harmony in the Workplace

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Generating a harmonious work environment begins with fostering a corporate culture of inclusivity. On the surface, this should be easy, but it isn’t. Everyone fosters unknown generalizations when it comes to workplace and gender diversity. Workplace sexual harassment training programs are the first step in identifying what these may be.

People Can’t Fix What They Don’t Know

It is a common misnomer that cases of sexual misconduct arise from malicious intent. Sometimes, an employee is unaware that their words could be deemed offensive. Since there is an absence of intent, and they aren’t aware of the optics of their behavior.

If asked, they would say they don’t hold any biases. However, there may be unaware one existed. This errant thinking comes forth in how they relate to others.

How Do You Fix the Problem?

Each generation has been influenced by societal norms. They change over time and influence each subsequent generation differently. Therefore, someone in their fifties will follow a different set of norms over someone in their twenties.

 Companies/Employer can fix this issue by:

  • Include compliance training in your companies onboarding process.
  • Regularly incorporating sexual harassment training. This puts everyone on the same page and identifies discrimination before it becomes an issue. It opens opportunities to personally correct conduct.
  • Taking steps in sexual harassment prevention and outlining bystander intervention.
  • Regularly review and update policy.
  • Fostering an awareness of human rights.
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How Do Companies Address Allegations Successfully?

Companies can address the issue by incorporating the following tactics for a safe, harmonious atmosphere:

  1. Take Immediate Action. Allegations need to be thoroughly examined and done quickly. Delays can cause a change in the “story”.
  2. Protect the Victim. Allegations can cause some people to exact revenge or can lead to a toxic workplace.
  3. Find Other Victims. If the person, did it to one individual, chances are there was another.
  4. Be Fine with Terminating Perpetrator. Most companies resort to counseling. However, if the victim finds that the problem is not solved, your solution is ineffective.
  5. Be Consistent in Consequences. Repercussions need to be clearly outlined and carried out to be effective.

Benefits of Sexual Harassment Training

Some businesses feel that company policy should be sufficient if the behavior is clearly defined, and consequences are established for misconduct. Most employees know what constitutes sexual harassment… or, so they think.

Unfortunately, people gloss over company policy. They are aware of it, but most people don’t think that it pertains to them until allegations come forward. Then, they are caught off-guard because they weren’t aware their actions were offensive.

This is where sexual harassment prevention training comes in handy. Training brings awareness to common areas and situations that constitute sexual harassment. It identifies “gray” areas so that behavior can be modified before allegations exist. 

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The training fosters an awareness of how actions could be received before it becomes a larger issue. It also opens a dialogue.

Sexual harassment training courses foster harmony because it identifies gender gaps and promotes equality. It changes old patterns of relating into attitudes of respect and inclusiveness which company policy may fail to address.

Read more about what is sexual harassment by visiting this post: