Industries That Have Been Forever Changed by the Internet and Mobile Devices


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Since its inception in 1983, the Internet has fundamentally changed human life transforming communication, information, and entertainment to say the least. The influence of the Internet reached a new height with the invention of the mobile smartphone, which allowed everyone easy access anywhere and anytime. Humans are now entirely reliant on these devices, altering significant practices and processes in our lives. In this article, we’ll look at the biggest industries in the world that have been forever changed by the internet and mobile devices.

E-commerce Industry

E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods over the Internet which has entirely transformed consumer shopping. Since the advent of one of the first e-commerce sites, Amazon, in 1995, online shopping has dominated providing ease and convenience that regular brick-and-mortar retail had no chance of competing with. The lengths of accessibility have been broadened immeasurably, having the ability to shop at any store worldwide. Customers could now research thoroughly, read multiple reviews, compare pricing, and have packages delivered to the door while staying in the comfort of their own homes. The development of data-driven marketing has even offered a personalised and optimised shopping experience. It is no wonder that e-commerce has evolved into a 5 trillion-dollar industry.

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Media and Entertainment Industry

The way that we consume content has been entirely changed by the internet, transforming the media and entertainment industry completely. The days of waiting for a programme at a certain time, the anticipation of cinematic releases, or even queueing outside a store to buy the newest CD have long passed in this new age of immediate entertainment. Streaming companies have allowed customers to access thousands of TV shows and films from anywhere for a set monthly charge, revolutionising this industry. This has significantly disrupted the traditional broadcasting models of the past, with many households now opting for streaming services. Thanks to the internet people can evaluate and investigate services at a click of a finger for example, by reading reviews for online stores at Trustpilot, checking ratings for online casinos at platin play uk, as well as discovering where to watch movies at IMDb. Social media has also radically altered entertainment consumption – even away from TV and film – with the rise of content creation and distribution. People for the first time can engage with user-generated content, considered reliable and authentic, which has led to the development of influencer marketing. In fact, digital marketing generally has allowed companies to reach a far broader audience, as such there has been a major shift in advertising strategies.

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Travel and Hospitality Industry

Long gone are the days when you would have to visit the local travel agent to plan your holidays. Today flights, hotels, and activities can be booked in a streamlined process through the Internet, with hassle-free technology. Online booking platforms like Airbnb, e-dreams and offer an extensive range of deals and offers while providing detailed reviews and logistics, ensuring that you receive the best possible vacation for your money. Nowadays, guidebooks seem like a relic of the past when you can simply google to find the top tourist attractions, restaurants, and activities. Mobile apps have also simplified the travel process, allowing customers to easily plan their itinerary, use maps for directions, and even minimise language barriers. In this modern era, travel has become infinitely easier thanks to the internet and smartphones.

Transportation and Logistics Industry

Technology has considerably advanced productivity in the transportation and logistics industry, which constitutes the movement of material through a supply chain. In the past, when a package was ordered only a rough delivery date would be provided. Today with GPS tracking and real-time monitoring of shipments, the process has significantly progressed to the advantage of both the shipper and recipient. While automation and digitisation have increased employee efficiency in warehouses by reducing time-consuming and cost-ineffective methods. Companies also now can optimise logistics and supply chain management through data analytics, allowing patterns to be identified that can provide future predictions about products.

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For an industry to survive in the modern era, it is instrumental to embrace digital transformation to advance and stay relevant. The major industries in the world have undergone complete transformations with the evolution of technology, improving accessibility, reaching wider audiences, and possessing extensive information, that could never have been achieved before. The internet, along with mobile devices, will undeniably continue to improve industries by providing new opportunities for growth in the future.