Marketers on Notice: the Future is Hyper-personalized with 13X Greater Engagement


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In the current digital era, the challenge of standing out amidst an overwhelming amount of content has led companies to seek more personalized customer engagement strategies. Iternal Technologies has been at the forefront of this drive, focusing on the creation of hyper-personalized video content through its AI and automation technologies. This approach aims to deliver tailor-made information to individuals, enhanced by analytics that promise better customer engagement and return on investment (ROI).

A Distinct Approach in a Competitive Field

Central to Iternal Technologies’ strategy is its development of a Turnkey AI solution that generates hyper-personalized video content. This has evidently increased customer engagement rates substantially, in some tests by up to 1300% in comparison to more generic video content. 

The company attributes these results to extensive A/B testing with Fortune 500 companies, which showed that viewers engaged more deeply with content personalized to them. For example, utilizing this approach, one client created more than 11,000 unique videos for targeted customers, demonstrating the potential to change the dynamics of digital communication significantly.

Emphasizing the Human Element

Iternal Technologies aims to differentiate itself from standard digital marketing efforts by highlighting the human aspect of hyper-personalization for executive level communications. Videos feature real individuals from the client’s organization, instilling authenticity into the messages. Through a process that enables the efficient production of numerous videos from modular clips, customers can generate large numbers of videos in a cost-effective manner. These videos can be highly tailored, potentially referencing viewer-specific details like name, role, and business challenges, thus aiming to make the content more impactful.

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The Role of Modular Components and IdeaBlocks

The technological backbone of Iternal Technologies’ initiative is its patented Modular Component technology, known as IdeaBlocks. These are designed to allow snippets of video content to be assembled into a coherent whole seamlessly. IdeaBlocks can be produced en masse during single recording sessions, facilitating the creation of thousands of videos while maintaining brand consistency.

This method, for instance, involves recording personalized greetings for popular names within a target audience, enabling the creation of personalized content for a significant audience segment. According to the company, a few hours of filming could produce a vast library of Video IdeaBlocks, streamlining the production of personalized content.

Expanding the Scope of Hyper-Personalization

Iternal Technologies’ service overcomes traditional video production constraints, enabling the creation of content that can be extensively customized based on various data parameters. This allows for a diverse range of messages to be conveyed through reconfigurable IdeaBlocks, without needing to film additional content post initial session. This process claims to facilitate the rapid assembly of personalized videos, providing marketing teams with control over content alignment with branding strategies.

Furthermore, Iternal Technologies is exploring future enhancements, including the integration of Generative AI and Digital Human Video, which could offer even greater efficiency and scalability in personalized video content production.

Wider Implications of Hyper-Personalization

One notable benefit of Iternal Technologies’ approach is the ability to scale personal engagement from senior executives, allowing them to reach wide audiences with personalized messages from a single filming session. This aims to provide a more personal connection and convey a sense of individual attention from high-level figures within a company.

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The reported outcomes indicate a significant increase in engagement rates, which could lead to stronger customer loyalty and growth. The technology’s applications span executive communication, sales, client retention, and recruiting, highlighting the potential for a deepened personal connection through high-quality video messaging.

A Recent Success for Hyper-personalization

Iternal recently deployed a digital campaign for a Fortune 50 customer, disseminating both personalized and generic content forms – namely hyper-personalized videos and PDFs – to a diverse recipient pool. The overarching aim was to meticulously compare how personalized content fared against its generic counterparts in terms of viewer engagement and open rates. To ensure clarity in the results, the campaign maintained a controlled environment, with the transmission of personalized and generic content executed simultaneously.

Summary of Results

  • Personalized videos achieved an 8.4 times higher view rate compared to generic videos.
  • Personalized PDFs recorded a 5.75 times higher open rate than their generic counterparts.
  • An estimated margin of error stood at ±9%, attributable to the study’s sample size.

The Psychological Impact of Hyper-Personalization

This investigation into personalized versus generic content reveals much about current consumer behavior and preferences. The substantial difference in engagement rates speaks to a broader shift in the landscape of digital marketing. Users are increasingly seeking – and responding to – content that feels explicitly tailored to their interests, needs, and identities.

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The success of personalized content can be partly attributed to its psychological impact. When recipients perceive content as being created just for them, it fosters a sense of importance and connection. This personal touch transforms the content from being just another piece of digital noise into a relevant and appealing message, significantly increasing the chances of engagement.

The Role of Technology in Hyper-Personalization

Advancements in data analytics and AI have paved the way for marketers to craft highly personalized content at scale. Tools like Iternal’s Blockify technology enable businesses to digest and utilize vast amounts of data to produce content that resonates on an individual level. Such technologies are vital for personalizing content without compromising efficiency or scalability.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its clear benefits, the path to effective personalization is not without challenges. Businesses must navigate the thin line between personalization and privacy, ensuring they do not overstep boundaries that could lead to discomfort or distrust among their audience. 


As businesses continue to evolve in an increasingly digitized world, embracing personalization – supported by advanced analytics and respectful of privacy concerns – will be key to forging deeper connections with audiences and achieving superior engagement rates.

In light of these results, the call to action for digital marketers is clear: to leverage emerging technologies and data analytics capabilities to deliver content that speaks directly to the individual. By doing so, they can transform generic messages into powerful tools of engagement and brand loyalty.

Iternal Technologies’ study not only underscores the effectiveness of personalization but also sets the stage for further exploration into how brands can dynamically integrate personalization into their digital communications strategies. As we look to the future, the potential for personalized content to drive engagement and foster meaningful connections is both exciting and vast, promising a new era of digital marketing defined by individual relevance and impact.