Measuring success: Key Metrics to Track for Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing is the key ally of the brands that would like to establish an online presence.

Through practices like content marketing and paid advertising, it’s possible to attract potential clients. Such practices also enable you to direct the journey of your potential clients through the sales funnel.

Note that the details of your digital strategy must be designed based on the characteristics of your brand. They can also be designed according to the characteristics of your target audience. To do this, you’ll need to adopt an analytical approach.

This way, you’ll be able to observe the aspects that are performing well and the ones that need to be organized. That is where digital marketing metrics come in, in the world of business. 

Key Metrics to Track in Digital Marketing Campaigns

As websites continue to become more important, the need to measure the efficiency of performance marketing is also increasing. This is a burden that’s shared between those selling digital media and business owners. Professionals in performance marketing agencies also share this burden as they look to maximizing their return on investment.

So what is performance marketing? It’s a type of digital marketing campaign in which budgeting and decision-making are driven by measurable results. This type of marketing is dependent on an active and iterative feedback loop. It enables brands to see what works and what doesn’t, and to know whether to double down or repeat.

Let’s now delve into the key metrics that help brands in tracking their digital marketing campaign.

Source: Pexels

  1. Website Visits

It’s important to have a website if you’ve looking to establish your presence on the internet. That’s because it enables you to centralize the most important information about your business. Through the website, you can also develop a blog, which is important in attracting and nurturing leads.

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Thus, total website visits are a very important digital marketing metric. As the name suggests, this metric indicates and measures the overall number of visitors on your website. As such, it’s an indicator that brands must be careful to observe.

In the ideal scenario, website visits should present stable growth from period to period. And if you notice a drop in the volume of visits, it would be best to take action. This will help to make the website more attractive to clients. 

  1. Traffic by Channels

After knowing the total traffic volume, you’ll also need to analyze where every visitor comes from. That’s considering that you also depend on various channels for your strategy to achieve good results. It’s therefore important that you monitor your visitors’ journey individually.

That will enable you to segregate the traffic sources and identify the most important ones. If you realize that some of your visitors arrive by organic search, that may be an indication that your search engine optimization needs to be optimized. Here are some of the common traffic sources:

  • Email visitors who find your page through email marketing
  • Paid visitors who find your content by the ads on search engines.
  • Referrals who are the people that visit your page by clicking on a link.
  • Social media visitors that come to your site from social media channels.
  • Direct visitors who are the people that access your site by typing the URL.
  • Organic visitors who are the people who come to your site using a search engine tool. 
  1. Return on Investment
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Looking over the return on investment enables a brand to answer the most critical questions. You’ll be able to tell whether the brand’s performance marketing efforts are worth it.

You must be in a position to know whether your digital marketing efforts can be traced to know sales. That’s because knowing your digital marketing ROI helps to determine which efforts are worth it. You’ll also be in a position to tell which campaigns need to be stopped and which ones to continue with.

Once you know which campaigns are outperforming their cost, focus your energy in those areas. You must also ensure that you set yourself up for success every time you launch a new campaign. 

  1. Website Conversion Rate

Brand websites and e-commerce pages are made available to consumers all the time. Moreover, social media and digital advertising campaigns always bring visitors through the sales funnel. But unfortunately when a potential client lands on a product page, they may not want to keep browsing or make a purchase.

There’s no doubt that an effective digital marketing advertisement can lead a potential client to your site. But that’s no guarantee that it will convert into a sale.

A business tracking the website conversion rate, however, can give you a better understanding. You’ll be able to know whether a campaign is successful in transforming visitors to concrete sales. 

  1. Click-Through-Rate

Click-through-rate is arguably a very important metric to help you in tracking your campaign’s performance. CTR can also be applied to a number of marketing channels. The channels include digital advertising, social media advertising, landing pages, and email marketing.

Like other metrics, CTR will also help you in measuring the value that you’re providing to your target audience. This is why it’s crucial that you closely watch the click-through-rate. The higher your CTR, the more likely it is that you’re getting to your target market and solving their pain points. 

  1. Client Acquisition Costs
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Every visitor brought to your site via a digital campaign has a cost associated with them, with the first being the “lead cost.”

Your digital campaign must be able to keep the cost per lead low. This is important as it helps to maintain profitable margins throughout the campaign.

The cost per lead must be calculated for all the digital marketing campaigns. Brands that track their cost per lead for every campaign can tell which program is the most profitable. It is through this that you’ll be able to make the right investment choices.

Revenue cost is the second cost that’s associated with individuals. Remember that a lead from a digital marketing promotion has a sales value. So by using the revenue per lead equation, you will be able to predict future sales on forecasted traffic and conversion leads.

Just like the cost per lead equation, revenue per lead is supposed to be calculated for each source that you use in marketing. Both the cost and revenue numbers will help you to understand the cost associated with different online platforms.

You must also note that an overview of all your digital marketing campaigns will give managers an insight on where the profitable leads came from. This will help with future reinvestment decisions.


Understanding the main digital marketing metrics will enable you to face your strategy with a more analytical look. It will also make it easy for you to find room for optimization.

Its also important for brands to define their key performance indicators in anticipation. This way, you’ll be able to focus on the numbers that matter for the evaluation of your efforts.