Newburyport, Massachusetts Basic Divorce Laws


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Divorce laws are generally very complicated and can vary from place to place. Massachusetts divorce requires ground proof and reason before filing a divorce case. Moreover, divorce cases can only be filed by either partner if either has proof of residency for more than a year; otherwise, the case cannot be filed. 

The local people of Newburyport can seek help from their local attorneys and specialized individuals in divorce cases to help and guide them, or they can always go to their own Newburyport family law attorney for the most efficient and trustworthy advice and guidance.

Residency requirement for divorce filing

Certain rules must be considered when filing divorce cases in Massachusetts.

Suppose the reason for this marriage being dissolved happened in some other place than Massachusetts. In that case, you can only file for divorce if you have lived in the state for one year before filing for divorce. Another include –at some point, you stayed as husband and wife in Massachusetts and the reason your marriage is being dissolved happened outside of Massachusetts while the other partner was still in Massachusetts.

Reasons for dissolution of marriage

There are many reasons a marriage can be dissolved, but there are also two major categories. The first is the “no-fault divorce,” where the victim is not stating that their partner is responsible for the divorce. 

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The other is “fault-based divorce,” where the spouse is responsible for the divorce. There are a lot of reasons for it, including adultery, impotence, abandonment, and many more. Even if you have committed the same mistake, these reasons cannot be used against you as a defense.

Alimony money

It is the financial support the alleged person provides after separation. According to the condition and situation, there are different types of alimony. Regardless of the type of alimony, it will be ordered to stop and cease once the spouse gets remarried, has an intimate relationship with a person for more than 3 months, or either of the spouses dies.

Different steps in filing a divorce

Initially, You must see if you meet the residency requirements for filing a divorce or not.

Secondly, You must have valid and genuine reasons or grounds for filing your divorce case. A copy of the divorce case will be sent to your partner, who must sign it. If your partner disagrees, his/her story will be listened to, and the case will be investigated. 

Lastly, you must discuss any properties you want to divide or any financial aid required after separation.

It is highly advised to go through the process with the help of an attorney as the process is very complicated and tricky.

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