Real Estate CRM software – a holistic tool that benefits sales teams

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Real Estate CRM Software – A Holistic Tool That Benefits Sales Teams

Real Estate CRM or Customer Relationship Management is an effective tool, with the help of which Real Estate business can take care of the end-to-end process management.  The contemporary Real Estate CRM software automates a majority of operations, including sales with easy customization and adaptability.

Customer information is available at the distance of a click, and its intuitiveness makes a Real Estate CRM quick and effective. It is a holistic tool that helps the sales team stay on top of integral tasks, manage their incoming leads, and track interactions, ultimately converting a lead into a sale.

The need for CRM and how demanding Real Estate can be

In this world of Real Estate business where competition is tough, a well-established and user-friendly Real Estate CRM software can automate mundane tasks and make operations of the sales team convenient.

  1. The Real Estate business today requires a highly customizable, adaptable, and professionally developed CRM that can be effectively used in operations, sales, and marketing of the property. 
  1. Today, the Real Estate industry depends on comprehensive CRM software, which automates all basic operations, keeping the back-end and sales staff busy in finding effective techniques to achieve their sales targets. 
  1. The need of the hour is relationship building – to make loads of customer information accessible and to convert prospective leads into a lifetime relationship. Detailed client history reflected by a relevant CRM for salespeople is quite useful to the sales team to compile past experiences and choices of prospective clients. 
  1. Cost-saving on human resources by automating pre and post sales activities makes the sales process more effective, easing the workload of the sales team. CRM for the sales team schedules appointments systematizes customer interaction, and stores appropriate information.
  1. In this competitive world, timing is everything, so synchronizing the daily planner, lead management, workflow automation, team collaboration, and keeping a tab on every single potential sales lead needs to be taken care of using an effective CRM. 
  1. Real Estate CRM software is needed for an effective customer conversion ratio, better process management, and payment collection.
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Benefits of Real Estate CRM for Sales Teams

Introducing a Real Estate CRM software implementation has significant benefits like:

1. Lead Management

Sales reps can use the leads module in Real Estate CRM software and automatically capture leads from multiple sources. These leads can further be segmented according to features related to a specific project like buying behaviour, age, gender, property preference, location, budget, source, demographics, preferences, etc. This further leads to lead allocation and qualification.

2. Pipeline Management

Generally, a long sales cycle is one of the biggest obstacles to sales effectiveness. An effective Real Estate CRM enables the pipeline to maximize potential and segment the entire lead database into different categories. 

3. Activity Management

The activity management feature keeps a record of all the activities of sales representatives, including performed & scheduled tasks. It keeps track of all scheduled meetings, calls, & tasks and reduces the chance of missing an opportunity. 

4. Centralized Data

The CRM facilitates a central repository of lead data or consumer information. Sales representatives can access the information anytime and avoid delays or bottlenecks that may occur in the process

5. Unity between Sales & Marketing 

CRM for the sales team creates harmony between the sales and marketing departments. It provides access to real-time data related to a customer’s profile.  The marketing team can effectively pass on the leads to the sales team without any manual effort using the Real Estate CRM. The sales team further can work on those leads and convert them into deals. 

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6. Document Sharing

Real Estate CRM plays a very crucial role in maintaining a dedicated document library where all the files are organized for quick reference. It allows files to be shared easily on the relevant property sites or social media platforms, eliminates tons of paperwork, and facilitates easy processing of relevant documents.

7. Sales Forecasting

A CRM for salespeople will help them analyze real-time data to optimize the performance of the organization. It can leverage the sales team to retain clients and enhance sales. It further helps managers to monitor data sets about case times, maintain up-sell rates, monitor call volume, etc.

8. Email and Social Media Tracking

CRM for sales enables email tracking and social media access features, which can be used by sales reps to have access to real-time information so that they can act instantly while the leads are still hot. 

9. Mobile CRM

Mobile Real Estate CRM empowers salespeople to access customer data and accounts on their smartphones on the go. Sales representatives can make quick and well-informed decisions and respond to leads faster by having access to critical information of the customers. 

Sell more with Sell.Do Real Estate CRM software.

With Sell.Do – The Real Estate business can empower the sales teams to sell better and faster with effective and beneficial Real Estate CRM software.


Sell.Do eliminates delays and increases productivity for your sales reps with features like intelligent call routing, automatic lead capturing, and team collaboration. Collaborating with the Real Estate Business has many benefits of CRM for sales like:

  1. Easier lead management where most of the work gets done automatically and the rest, at the click of a button! 
  1. Better Pre-sales calling with Real Estate CRM empowers the business with cutting-edge infrastructure for real-time monitoring software so that they can get better numbers at the first touchpoint of their sales cycle. 
  1. Automatic email responses are scheduled and carefully planned emails that are sent to subscribers as a response to specific actions on a particular website.
  1. Improved workflow that completely automates the lead nurturing process. It takes some burden off of the salespeople’s shoulders while providing a sincere service to the leads. 
  1. Enhanced team collaboration empowers the sales teams with cutting-edge technology and brings the best out of them.

Bottom Line:

Real Estate CRM software is used by all the departments but is primarily a sales tool. It is imperative to take the sales staff into confidence before investing in CRM for the sales team so that both the management and the staff are on the same page. The benefits of CRM for sales are immense as it closes faster, plans routes better, and saves time for the sales reps so they can focus on building strong relationships with the customers.