SEO Reseller Packages- All You should Know

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An SEO reseller package is an effective technique to provide your client with expert SEO services. These are crucial to retaining and acquiring new customers in modern digital marketing. Additionally, SEO reseller packages are cost-effective, and you can scale up instantly.

Here’s all you should know about reseller packages.

What is an SEO reseller Package?

An SEO seller package enables you to resell expert SEO services to your clients. Since your clients expect a marketing agency to provide SEO services, you can join an SEO Reseller Program if you lack the right expertise for the task. Then, you’ll sell the SEO service to your clients at a higher price.

Service in an SEO reseller package

Some of the standard SEO reseller packages services include:

1. Link Building

SEO reseller packages enable your link-building services by designing them to increase your website authority. Also, link-building services help you improve your traffic and your brand ranking.

2. SEO report 

Since SEO is a long-term project, regular updates are essential. An SEO seller package includes a keyword ranking report from the SEO provider.

3. Guest posting

An SEO reseller package provides you with quality guest posts for your agency and clients.

Benefits of SEO reseller package

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1. Saves cost 

Offering SEO services is a complex task that is associated with many costs. These may include hiring people, establishing the SEO department, and other hidden fees. But acquiring the SEO program helps you lower the price. 

2. Access to experts and resources

Having your inbound experts is expensive, and sometimes may not have expertise in Search engine optimization. Again, you most likely don’t have optimization tools such as link data. But by partnering with an SEO agency, such expertise and means will be available for you.

3. Expert assistance

It’s always better to let the experts help with SEO services. They have experience in SEO packages, will offer the needed assistance, and respond to your queries.

Factors determining the cost of Your SEO reseller package

The availability of SEO reseller packages differs as some are scarce to acquire. Such insufficient programs are often associated with higher prices than the readily available packages. 

  • Traffic volume 

Having higher traffic volume is a more significant achievement of SEO services. It means you have increased your online presence and more potential customers. However, high traffic volume makes the price of SEO reseller packages higher than low traffic volume sites.

  • Site speed

Clients want a site with maximum speed when navigating through your content. Deficient speed makes clients leave your site sooner after opening it. But high speed comes with extra cost on your SEO packages.

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What you should consider in an SEO Reseller Package

  • Pricing

Some SEO reseller programs may require you to pay a joining fee, while others are free to join. Also, negotiate for volume pricing where by referring clients to the agency, you will get a discounted price. Finally, ensure you understand the SEO reseller programs and ensure it’s within your budget.

  • Your client goals.

Choose an SEO seller package that meets your clients’ goals and needs. If you pick the best plan but ignore your customers’ goals, your SEO reseller program will fail.

Final thoughts

SEO clients pay for results that they feel have returns on their investment. Also, you earn more if your SEO reseller package achieves your client’s wants. Therefore, be keen to choose the best SEO reseller package.