Tips to Survive an Online Exam


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As more learning sessions go online, exams have to follow the cue. The exams demand the same level of preparedness and will have a similar impact to tests taken physically. Check reviews for assistance with your assignments, whether you are studying online or offline.  

Online exams are unique because there is no physical supervisor. However, technology allows the teacher to still monitor your activities during the test. Further, you have limited time to complete the test before the system shuts you out. How do you ace an online exam? Here are excellent tips to consider. 

Understand exam guidelines beforehand

Online exams come with unique guidelines stipulating your activities on the internet. For instance, the guidelines could indicate login time, the platforms to use, and how to enter answers, among other aspects. Understand these details before the day of the exam. 

Online learning and exam platforms also offer a chance for mock tests. Run through the system several times to familiarize yourself with what it will take to sit through the paper. You avoid the shock of discovering that you were required to carry particular tools like a calculator or be familiar with an app before the exam yet you were not prepared. 

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Prepare the right gadgets 

Online exams have to be taken using a phone, computer, tablet, or laptop. You need an internet connection as well. If the exam involves audio files, headphones will be handy. Prepare these gadgets in advance.

Do not assume that the gadgets are in sound condition unless you test. Check the volume, working speed, and clarity of images or details. A problem with any of these gadgets results in the slow execution of your exam. You waste time trying to fix the problem yet the system will not add extra time for your exam. 

You must know how to use these gadgets in an exam situation. Avoid borrowing or buying new gadgets whose features are not familiar. You have very little time to learn or make mistakes during an exam. 

Set a quiet and comfortable table 

Create the right exam atmosphere by setting a quiet table away from any distractions. You will probably be taking the exam at home or in a shared room on campus. Any distraction takes away your concentration as you write the exam. You end up wasting time. You might not complete the exam on time. 

Negotiate with other people using the room to excuse you during the exam. Uninvited conversations will equally slow you down and affect your performance. You should also consider noise-canceling headphones to create the perfect exam atmosphere. 

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Study like a normal exam

The exam you are sitting online is similar to what you would sit through in a physical class. The only difference is the platform where you take the exam. Revise for the exam with similar intensity to what you do when sitting for an ordinary exam.

Use allowable online tools 

Are you allowed to use apps and online platforms during the exam? Go ahead and use these tools. You can learn more about the latest technology to use in class and for your assignments online. The tools you choose must be licensed for use by your college. 

AI technology allows your teacher to monitor your activities during an exam. Any attempt to use unauthorized tools will attract penalties. Do not expose yourself to such punishment. Further, learn these tools beforehand so that they do not affect your speed of work or give varying results. 

Take mock tests 

Take mock exams before the actual date. Learn how to use the platforms as well as utilize the technology in a tension-pack scenario like the exam. In case you experience difficulty using the platform, get help before the exam date. It might be too late to learn the platform with a limited time to complete a paper. 

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Prepare like any other exam 

Revise the online paper in the same way you would revise for any other exam. Do not sit late in the night or approach the exam with a fatigued body and mind. Put on the right attire and you ace the online exam. 

Online exams require adequate preparation, just like a physical exam. Prepare the gadgets and understand the platform you will use to complete the exam. Above all, prepare as though you are sitting for any other exam.