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With remote working now an undeniable reality, many companies have to try and make it work to realize their visions. But with a new reality comes new technology to help make things easier. There are many programs that can help you make remote working a breeze. Whether you are looking to manage projects, bring everyone on your team on the same page, keep everything you do in one place, ensure everyone is productive, or make sure there is effective communication, there is a program for you. Here are some you can use to better your remote working experience.

  1. Trello

If you have a team project that you would like done efficiently and meaningfully, Trello is the best tool. With its boards, lists, and cards, you can easily organize and assign priority to different projects. Trello makes it easy to work as a team if you have different roles for each team member. The visual approach to represent projects makes it a fun tool to work with as well.

For instance, if you are running a dissertation writing service for students and have a few writers and editors, Trello allows you to assign each employee to a task easily. Once a writer is done with their task, they can slide a card to a work-done board where the editors can pick it up for editing and posting. With Trello, you can never miss out on being the best dissertation writing service. Another vital feature of Trello is that you can work with different cloud storage tools such as Google Drive and Dropbox. 

  1. Slack 
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While Trello may be the best in organizing and efficiently tackling a project as a team, Slack is the best tool in enabling communication between members of a remote team. It allows members of a remote team to share ideas and concerns in real time so that things move on swiftly. Slack has been embraced not only by small remote working teams, but also by big companies with many employees. With Slack, you can keep your team communication in one place and easiliy manage remote employees. 

If you have an essay writing website with a few team members or employees, Slack can be a huge digital asset for you. For example, you can allow your website designing team to effectively communicate with the custom essay writing group. With effective communication, the two groups can work to improve the efficiency of the website. Slack also allows you to use Android and iOS apps for complete functionality.

  1. Google Drive  

Once you have a place to organize your project and an effective communication tool for your remote team, you’ll need a cloud storage service to keep and share files. Google Drive is an effective cloud storage platform that enables you to do just that. You can keep all your files in one secure and centralized place. Your employees can also share and store spreadsheets, slides, and documents. You can take advantage of Google Drive to synch files across different devices. Members can easily access these files from anywhere and update them if they have to. 

  1. Blink
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Once you have taken care of project specifications, provided an easier way to communicate, and procured the best cloud storage service for your remote team, you will need something to ensure productivity doesn’t slack. One sure way is to use Blink. A comprehensive app that improves communication and enhances productivity for employees in a remote team. Blink offers many features that allow for a work-friendly digital platform. This environment then enables productivity and team cohesion. Some features that you can expect to find with Blink include discussion boards, calendar management, news feeds, and employee directory. 

Blink also supports remote teams with tools to create micro apps within the platform. These micro apps allow you to manage your team’s communication and collaboration easily. You can have micro apps that support automated timesheets, network searches, and payment cards. These apps can be optimized for mobile phones, tablets, and desktops.


Remote working is here to stay, and many companies are embracing the idea every day. Since it’s a new space for some, finding the best way to keep things working smoothly without wasting time and resources is crucial. There are tools that allow you to do just that. With the few discussed in this article, you will be on your way to managing the best remote team.  

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Author Bio

Rosa hemming is a blogger and a professional content writing expert from the United States. She loves watching movies and series. Her blog consists of lists of the best films divided by genre and different moods.