Top 6 SEO tips for e-commerce websites

Digital Marketing

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The recent pandemic and post-pandemic market have pushed most businesses into the digital realm. Many businesses are resorting to e-commerce even to reach out to their local audience and prevent churn. 

In such a scenario, when the digital market is flooded with ferocious competition, being found by the prospects and being available for the customers is imperative. 

SEO helps you rank high on search engine results and place you on the dominant first page. Considering SEO’s vitality, most companies are teaming up with the top seo company in Sydney to ensure greater visibility, enhanced ranking, and higher ROI. Here are a few tips for new e-com players to optimize the SEO of their website and increase profitability.

  • Set up an effective collection of keywords

Choosing the right keyword could mean the difference between the success and failure of your online marketing campaign. For that reason, most companies devote maximum marketing time resources to keyword research. If you can crack the right keywords, more than half of the job is already done. 

Long-tail keywords work exceptionally in many fields where the competition is less. This is because they match the natural language of the targeted audience. You need to think in terms of the language users would use to query. You can also choose from many tools to find the best keywords for your products and services.

  • Strategic anchor text selection
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E-commerce websites have plenty of links on each page. What you need to do to stand out and glue the eyeballs is to optimize the anchor texts. This helps in drawing maximum potential of the links pointing to different pages of your website. Make your anchor text natural and avoid using the same keyword in all the text to avoid penalty from Google.

  • Keep the content unique

Duplicate content is the biggest foe of e-commerce websites. The main reason for this is enormous content in the form of product descriptions. Often websites keep the description provided by the sellers or manufacturers. This results in content redundancy as many websites might be using the same content to describe their products. 

  • Make product description propelling

Another reason to create your unique product description is the fact that it significantly impacts your conversion rate. Use catchy headings and a captivating narration to draw the prospects and propel them to make the purchase. Include mindful keywords in the description to make your content more friendly for Google crawlers.

  • Place high-quality product image

E-commerces rely on images to showcase their products to the customers and convince them to buy. For that reason, you cannot afford to have a low-quality product image on your website. Put up multiple images in good quality that present your products from all angles and draw the prospect’s attention. Also, SEO optimizes images with an ATL tag to help search engines find them and bring more traffic to your pages.

  • Optimize URL
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URLs play an important role in enhancing the visibility of your website. They allow the web crawlers to find your pages by clearly describing what they offer to the visitors. Such URLs also enhance users’ experience by informing the users of what to expect on the page. It holds users on the website for a longer duration and increases the chances of conversion.