Top Reasons of Solar Energy

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Harnessing the free light and heat from the sun into electricity has proven popular among many people worldwide. Over the recent years, many companies and homeowners have opted for solar panels for their electricity needs. There are many reasons for this decision, and they include;

1. Reduces electricity bills

It has been proven that using solar energy instead of relying on regular electricity can reduce your monthly electricity bill by over 50%. People who live in sunny areas are the most advantaged because they don’t have to use the regular electricity as a backup often.

That means you’ll be able to save hundreds of dollars every month from installing solar panels on your rooftop.

2. Low maintenance and installation costs

The overall cost of solar energy is very low, whether for the installation of the solar panels or the overall maintenance. Solar panels don’t have any movable parts, which means they are not subject to wear and tear.

The only cost you might incur after installing your solar panels is cleaning cost, and it’s even cheaper. And for the cost of installing the panels, the United States government offers a tax credit for those who install solar panels.

For all the solar panels installed in 2021, the owners will receive a 22% tax credit from the government making purchasing and installing solar panels even more convenient. When it comes to financing your project, you can choose between buying or leasing solar energy.

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3. Good for the environment

Solar is widely known to be a clean source of energy. This means that solar energy systems account for no greenhouse gases emitted into the environment.

And with the constant need to protect the environment from these emissions, solar energy is needed. Opting for solar energy means that you’ve played a part in reducing the global dependency on non-renewable energy sources.

4. Effective use of abandoned land

Opting for solar energy helps to make abandoned land productive. Since the only thing needed for powering solar panels is the sun, they can be installed anywhere. Through this, unproductive lands such as deserts and abandoned mines are put into great use.

5. Creation of jobs

Using solar energy contributes to the creation of many jobs. Most of the solar energy cost is attributed to the installation process, which gives many people jobs. It is reported that solar energy-related jobs grew 500% more from 2014 to 2019. That is more than any sector.

6. Involves a greater Return on Investment (ROI)

Unlike other energy sources, solar energy has a very significant ROI for owners. With all the electricity bill savings that owners incur after installing solar panels in their homes or business, these solar panel systems can pay for themselves in less than seven years.

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Based on the fact that solar panels have a lifespan of over 30 years, their installation makes for a worthwhile investment for any owner.

Opting for solar energy systems holds many benefits to any owner and has proven to a great investment for many. You get to minimize electricity bills while also making the world a better place by migrating to cleaner energy.