What is Social Listening and How It Can Help You Improve Customer Service

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Social listening is often used to monitor your customers‘ thoughts, feelings, and needs. It provides an opportunity for you to grasp their most pressing needs and react with timely action. Social media is the largest source of customer feedback, with 91% of companies obtaining feedback through social networks.

What is Social Listening?

It is a marketing technique that allows your business to stay abreast of the sentiments of your customers. It is a process wherein your business gathers information about its online audience to provide better products, services, and user experience. It is a key component of social media marketing, and it provides you with real-time insights into what people are saying about your brand via social media.

How to Use Social Listening to Improve Customer Service

1. Understand Your Audience

Even though it is primarily used for market research purposes, it can also be used as a tool to improve customer experience. If you have already generated a robust survey, it is important to consider using the findings to improve your products and services. The key is to understand the audience and make adjustments based on this information.

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2. Improving Product/Services

You should also consider how your customers are faring with your products, services, and customer experience. Feedback is an important element of social media analytics, and you can use it to identify issues that need to be fixed. The information you gather from social media analytics can improve your products and services.

3. Develop a Personalized Plan

Once you have gathered information about your customers, you can use it to develop a personalized plan to improve your customer service. This will enable you to learn more about your customers, their concerns, and how you can manage their expectations. Using social media analytics, the information you gather can create more effective customer service and encourage better customer loyalty. The key is to translate social media analytics information into useful reference points.

How to Use Social Listening to Identify Positive and Negative Feedback, and How to Respond to Both

1. Identifying Positive Feedback

You can use social media to identify positive feedback, which is crucial in finding ways to improve your business. One of the most effective ways is through customer service surveys. The findings from your survey will provide you with valuable information about what customers like about your products and services, which will allow you to fix any errors before it goes out for broader consumption.

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2. Identifying Negative Feedback

Social media allows you to identify negative feedback as well. You should also be aware that negative feedback needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. You need to address the issues and fix them before they escalate. The key to using social media analytics is to capture negative feedback as soon as it is posted to be addressed immediately. You also need to use techniques such as whitelisting so that only valid complaints are noticed.

NetbaseQuid Services and Possible Ways They Could Help Reach Business Goals

NetbaseQuid is a SaaS platform that allows you to conduct social media measurements. You can use it to monitor your audience and gauge its feedback about your brand. It will also allow you to analyze real-time conversations about your brand across various social media platforms.


The information that you gather from social listening can be used to help improve your customer experience, which will result in increased customer loyalty. The key is to use social media analytics effectively and efficiently. NetbaseQuid provides an excellent tool for social media measurement, and it is a good investment for any business that seeks to drive better results.