Why security in schools is no longer optional?

Tips & Tricks

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The changes in society also reflect in schools. We have witnessed that in the past two decades, the number of violent attacks in schools has significantly increased, and so the concerns about school safety have also grown. Therefore, security guard services experts have decided to dedicate today’s post to this important subject, discussing the types of incidents that occur in schools and measures that can make schools more safe places.

The evolving world has brought new threats for students and teachers. Although, a school should be a safe place where children can be comfortable studying, and teachers can provide education without disturbance.

The most common incidents in school are burglary, vandalism, and those related to technology and communication. However, even though these are statistically isolated cases, the most severe is active shooter incidents. This implies that securing safety in school requires a comprehensive approach and different types of measures that cover all potential weak points and provide an adequate response. For this cause, the following techniques are applicable:

  1. Building security

Controlling access in school buildings is the first step in preventing incidents. Restricted entry is one of the most effective ways to keep potential offenders away from school. Securing the school entrance is efficient with monitoring door systems, and loading docks, and requiring school visitors to check in and wear access authorization badges or tags. These security measures are recommended for all types and school levels, regardless of the student’s age and grade level, and school location.


Monitoring and securing who enters the school is the primary step in preventing the potential violators from just walking into the building and performing their deeds.

Another important measure in securing schools is video surveillance systems. Surveillance cameras should be carefully and proficiently paced in classrooms, school property, and facilities and be connected with authorized devices, and with the ability to record and save the video.

  1. Security staff

Having at least one security staff is an effective way to deter potential offenders. Knowing that the is a security officer on site can be enough to discourage crime. Nowadays, most schools have at least one armed enforcement officer that patrols the school. However, the presence of security staff varies depending on school characteristics such as the size of a school, the number of students, and the school grade level. For instance, 96% of schools with 1.000 or more students have regularly a security staff member while only 48% of schools with around 30 students have a security person regularly present. This also applies to elementary schools where 55% of them have a security guard contrary to 84% of high-schools that have a security officer on a regular basis.

Statistics suggest that around 10% of teachers in public schools experience and report threats from students while &% of them have suffered physical attract and injuries from a student in school. Security staff is an effective way to secure the safety of school teachers, therefore, supporting them in efficiently performing their jobs.

  1. Threat assignments team
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The treat assignments team is a group of security officers that are hired to identify, estimate and address possible threats in school security. Those treats also consider the students that might pose a threat of violence in school. Treat assignment team, besides a security staff, includes a school psychologist and administrators. Schools in cities and suburbs more often encompass treat assignment teams than those in ruler areas. Also, high and middle schools and larger schools more commonly have to treat assignment teams contrary to schools with fewer students and lower school grades.

  1. Safety measures related to technology and communication

Today, many schools use some kind of system to secure safety referring the communication and technology. These systems can be an electronic notification system, anonymous-threat reporting system, and systems where students can report violence by telephone hotline, online form submission, or in written form in a drop box.

The advanced system of security considers “panic buttons” and silent alarms that are directly connected to law enforcement.

Safety measures related to technology and communication differ in schools depending on school location and grade. Threat-reporting methods are particularly applied in schools with multi-ethnic and multi-racial student structures.

  1. Active shooter response

Active shooter response considers different plans and procedures for active shooter threats and situations.

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Final Thoughts

One of the biggest parental concerns is whether their children are safe when away from home and this also considers their time spend in school or college. Providing the adequate security ensures the piece of mind for teachers, students, and their parents. The dynamic environment we all live in constantly requires the inclusion of new policies and measures to meet security needs. The recent events regarding coronavirus and post-pandemic are a great example of the necessity of evolving security in schools and why ensuring safety in schools mustn’t be compromised.