Why Should You Hire Angular Developer for Web App Development?


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Out of more than 700 programming languages available in the global repository, Angular still ranks among the list of the top 5 most used web frameworks. The Angular ecosystem consists of over 1.7 million developers and continues to expand. This is a repercussion of the growing demand among businesses to hire Angular developers. 

If your mind is casting doubt on why you should hire these Angular developers for your web development project, this article has the resolution covered. Let’s get straight to the point!

The Power of Angular: Why It’s A Great Framework for Web App Development

Dynamic, responsive, and enticing web applications are the need of the hour in the digitalized era. There’s a myriad of applications in the Google Play store and App Store, but you must be prudent to increase the downloads for your business app.

Angular has been gaining popularity in this segment for the last 13 years for several reasons. Let’s explore some of its foremost benefits:

  1. Cross-platform development

Whether you want to create progressive web apps or native apps, or desktop-installed apps, Angular can be your one-stop solution. This is because Angular is a cross-platform structural framework that supports the creation of dynamic web apps. 

In the present era, your apps should be accessible from distinct platforms and devices. Angular can devise applications readily available on most gadgets, including but not limited to smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, etc.

  1. Support for Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Progressive web apps are types of application software that are designed with a standard-compliant browser to work on any platform. Angular has built-in support for PWAs to offer the functionality of a native app. 

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These apps are fast, reliable, and engaging, with the advantage of being accessed from any device with a modern web browser. Thus, your Angular apps can be available as a PWA to enhance the user experience and expand the reach of your app.

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  1. Agile development

In an aggressively competitive market, you must be at the speed of light in developing web applications. Angular can help you abide by that with its plethora of tools and features that simplify the development process. Angular developers also have access to a wide range of powerful templates and components that helps them render complex UIs with ease.

  1. Extensive community support

Like Java, React, and other globally renowned frameworks, Angular also has an extensive community of developers who provide development assistance and support to one another. In case of any challenges, the developers can refer to a wide range of resources like tutorials, white papers, forums, and documentation to deliver high-quality applications.

  1. Enhanced application performance

Web applications have high user traffic and bulk data processing to handle. To ensure a seamless user experience, the apps must perform optimally and efficiently. Angular offers several features that make this possible. 

For instance, lazy loading and tree-shaking features help keep the application load time in check to improve the overall performance. After all, which business doesn’t want to fructify from the benefits of a fast and responsive web application? 

  1. Effortless maintenance

Simply developing a web application and launching it in the market doesn’t suffice and help you steer ahead of the competition. You must pay attention to its maintenance to deliver an impeccable user experience. Several Angular features can easily help developers to introduce updates in the application, such as:

  • Use of TypeScript that offers improved type checking and easier debugging. 
  • A modular architecture that makes it possible to update only specific parts of the application without affecting it in its entirety. 
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Have You Tried These Tips for Finding the Best Angular Developer?

Are you looking to build your team of Angular experts for your web app development project? How about some effective tips?

The Angular recruitment market is candidate-driven and densely populated with innumerable applicants. So how do you know which profile from the stack is an ideal fit for your project? The following hiring tips can be your blueprint to vet and onboard the cream of the crop:

  • Experience over Accreditations

Qualifications and accreditations are merely pieces of paper in the contemporary hiring market. What if an Angular developer is familiar only with the bookish fundamentals and doesn’t know how to apply them in real-time?

Therefore, the 2 E’s you must be mindful of when hiring an Angular developer are education and expertise. They should have an exceptional work record of delivering successful projects. The more years of experience, the merrier your web app development project.

  • Hire via talent partners

Don’t make the blunder of hiring on your own. Always opt for talent partners or recruitment agencies as they are more reliable. You can look for a freelancer on your own, but if it’s via an agency, you can be relieved of second-guessing. The provider takes full responsibility and ensures your project never comes to a halt abruptly. 

  • Time zone analysis
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Time zone differences can significantly impact your project’s success and deliverables. This is especially true in the remote landscape. For instance, if you hire Indian remote talent, they are in a different time zone than the USA and Europe. Thus, it can be advantageous for your project as you can have round-the-clock productivity with in-office and remote teams of developers operating consecutively. 

  • Recruitment cost

Always calculate the return for every hard-earned penny that you spend. Don’t go overboard with your recruitment budget, and be mindful of weighing the pros and cons when hiring. 

  • Interview

Don’t turn a blind eye to the resume and promises made by the applicant. Always verify the truthfulness of their claims by conducting an interview. Whether in-person or virtual interviews, it provides you with valuable candidate insights.

  • Skills evaluation

Technical proficiency and soft skills go side-by-side in the current job market. An Angular developer should be highly-qualified but should also possess strong communication skills, attention to detail, and other such soft skills. 

  • Flexible and Passionate

Keep an eye out for professionals who are not contented with what they have but yearn to learn. They should be passionate about staying updated with the latest trends, tools, and technologies. Only when they have a career growth aspiration can they bring innovations to your project and help you advance toward success. 

Ending Note

Be customer-centric and prioritize user requirements over your needs. This is the magic mantra to business success. You must keep up with market trends in the web app development industry. To do so, you must hire Angular developers to help you build high-quality web applications for a streamlined user experience. Use this article as your hiring guide.