Will It Be Too Hot to Use a Garden Log Cabin During the Summer?


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When you think about a log cabin, this is synonymous with a snowy and cold winter. You can imagine sitting in there keeping warm with your family when it is Christmas. But, so many homeowners are discovering that log cabins are so much more than this. Indeed, they can be brought to your very own back garden, and you can enjoy them all year round.

A common question is whether a garden log cabin is going to get too hot to use during the summer. After all, if you are making this type of investment, you want to ensure that you get maximum use out of it. Well, the answer is that it does not have to be warm inside. There are adjustments to ensure it is perfect for you and your family. Here is what you need to know.

Log Cabins Can Remain Cool

People often make assumptions about log cabins. They can remain cool during the summer and are still very much useable. Here is some important information you should know.

Logs Allow Natural Cooling

Homeowners often get the wrong impression of log cabins. Since they are made from wood, most people assume they are going to be hot inside when the sun is house. While this can be the case with cheaper designs and materials, quality log cabins will not be like this. Instead, the logs do a good job of keeping out the hot weather. They are able to absorb and release heat slowly, which allows you to be comfortable inside the log cabin.

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Therefore, know that logs can have a natural cooling mechanism. But, this will only be the case depending on the quality of the type of logs used. The thickness of the walls will also be a factor, along with the location of the log cabin.

Insulation is Key

When you hear insulation, you probably think about keeping a building warm. Indeed, insulation does have this purpose during the winter. But, it is very important for the summer too. When your garden log cabin is insulated, it means that heat does not enter in the same way. Instead, the place remains cooler for longer.

When you are buying a log cabin, you want to ensure that it is insulated. This is something that you can do yourself if you are good at DIY. But, in most cases, it is recommended that you have professionals do this for you. Thankfully, there are companies that can install and insulate your new building for you. For example, check out https://www.leisurebuildings.com/product-category/log-cabins/ and choose your favourite design. Then, you are able to select an insulated roof and floor kit, which can allow a cooler interior temperature. What’s more, Leisure Buildings offer free delivery.

Windows Help with Cooling

Most log cabins will also have windows. This allows for fresh air during the day, keeping the interior cool. Therefore, when you are selecting a log cabin, you always want to check out the windows. It is good to have windows on each side to accommodate for wind direction. You also want to ensure shades are available so that you can keep out the sunlight when necessary.

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When you are thinking about a location for your new log cabin, try to consider where the sun is going to be. Then, you can ensure that the windows are not going to allow sunlight in continuously. But, if this is not possible, it will be worth investing in good blinds and curtains in order to cover them when it is hot outside.

Additions You Can Make for the Summer

Generally, log cabins stay cooler than you think during the summer. But, there are a variety of additions you can make inside too that will contribute to a comfortable temperature. Here are some ideas.

Add a Large Fan

Let’s point out the obvious addition you can make to the interior. You can add a large fan into the mix. This is going to provide you with refreshing and cool air when you are inside. This can be much appreciated if you are working or trying to relax. The best types are the large fans that can rotate. This is going to spread the air around the room and it can really make a difference.

Install Curtains

As previously mentioned, curtains are a must in a log cabin. This is going to allow you to cover the windows when the sun is shining in. In particular, if you know that your windows or doors or going to get the sun at some point during the day, you want to ensure the curtains are over them. This can allow the air to stay cool inside. Additionally, if there is glass on your front door, this should have a curtain too.

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Add Tinted Film to the Windows

Something that can make a difference is adding tinted film to the windows. While this is often designed to keep UV rays out, it can also help with feeling cool. When you cannot see the sun shining it, can allow you to feel cooler.