Women in Tech: Shaping the Future


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The technology world, long perceived as being dominated by men, regularly ignores and undervalues women. With more women in senior roles and having an impact on the digital landscape, the industry has just experienced a substantial transition. This article will cover the impact that women are having on the technological field and how it impacts the industry as a whole.

Rise of women in technology

A relatively small percentage of women hold leadership positions in the computer industry, where they have historically been underrepresented. However, things are beginning to change. According to a McKinsey & Company report, women currently hold 47% of entry-level positions in the digital sector, and more women are being promoted to higher positions. The opportunities accessible to women in technology have risen as a result of firms’ growing emphasis on diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices.

Impact of women and technology

Women have a big effect on business in a number of different ways. First and foremost, women provide a unique perspective to the company. Because a sizable portion of tech customers are women, women in executive positions ensure that products are developed with a more diverse audience in mind. This might lead to improved products and services that can please a wider range of clients. Additionally, women in the field of computing are frequently more team-oriented, which can lead to more flexible and original solutions. 

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Additionally, women are more likely to prioritize social responsibility and moral considerations in the workplace, which can lead to technological advancements that are more morally and environmentally responsible. Women are also driving advancements in the IT industry. According to a Boston Consulting Group study, businesses with diverse management teams generate 19% more revenue via innovation. When there are more women in leadership roles, a wider range of ideas and perspectives may lead to more innovative products and services.

Women in technology

In the tech industry, women are filling more and more executive roles. One of the most well-known is Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. Sandberg has been a prominent supporter of gender equality in the workplace in addition to pushing to create opportunities for women in tech employment. She also wrote the book Lean In, which encourages women to take on leadership roles and realize their career goals. The former CEO of IBM, Ginni Rometty, is another well-known woman in technology

Rometty, who was the first female CEO of IBM, advocated for modernization of business practices and a focus on cutting-edge technologies like cloud computing and artificial intelligence. Two additional well-known women in technology are Marissa Mayer, the former CEO of Yahoo!, and Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube. These women collectively have had a huge influence on the digital industry and opened the road for more females to follow in their footsteps.

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Why mentorship is important

One of the keys to increasing the number of women in technology is mentorship. Women who aspire to work in technology want mentors and teachers who can provide guidance and support. This is important for women who are initially joining the industry since the male-dominated culture may turn them off. Being a mentor may be done in a variety of ways, from formal mentoring programs to informal contacts with coworkers. Businesses may play a big role in offering opportunities for mentoring for women by partnering female employees with mentors who have more expertise or by creating mentorship programs for women in the sector.

Obstacles facing women in technology

Despite the developments, women in technology still face many challenges. One of the biggest issues is the gender wage gap. In entry-level positions, where the pay gap between men and women in tech is 29%, women still earn less than men. This may discourage women from going into the computer industry and make it difficult for them to advance. Another problem is the lack of diversity in positions of leadership. Even though there remains a significant gender imbalance, more women are getting leadership positions. Women hold barely 25% of senior positions in the tech industry, and women of color are much less common.The lack of representation may make it difficult for women to advance in their careers and get recognition inside the company.

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What an advocate is worth

To address the challenges faced by women in technology, it is essential to have champions working to effect change. From modest efforts like supporting and training women in the sector to more substantial ones like promoting legislative reforms and establishing a diverse and inclusive workplace, advocacy may take many various shapes. Many organizations encourage and educate young people to pursue careers in the field, such as Girls Who Code, and Women Who Tech, which provides resources and assistance to female professionals. By advocating for the inclusion of women in the digital industry, we can make it more inclusive and equitable, which will benefit everyone.


Finally, women are becoming more and more important in shaping the future of the economic world. As more women hold leadership roles in the digital industry and diversity and inclusion are given greater attention, the industry is evolving into one that is more inventive, socially responsible, and sustainable. There is still more work to be done to address the problems faced by women in the workplace and to ensure improved representation and fairness. By working together and fostering change, we can create a digital world that is more fair, inclusive, and beneficial to everyone.