Women’s Sunglasses and Face Shape: A Buying Guide


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Sunglasses are a fashionable accessory and essential for protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays. However, not all sunglasses are created equal, and choosing the right pair can be daunting, especially for sunglasses. With so many shapes, colours, and styles available, finding the perfect pair for your face shape can be overwhelming. And this article will discuss choosing the perfect women’s sunglasses for your face shape.

Here are the top things you should know before choosing the perfect women’s sunglasses:

Determine Your Face Shape

The first step to choosing the perfect women’s sunglasses is determining your face shape. The four main face shapes are round, oval, square, and heart-shaped. Pull your hair back and examine your face in the mirror to determine your face shape. Look at the width of your forehead, the shape of your jawline, and the length of your face. Once you have determined your face shape, you can choose the perfect sunglasses that complement your features.

  1. Round Face Shape

If you have a round face shape, look for sunglasses with angular lines and sharp edges. Rectangular and square frames work well with round faces, adding structure and definition to your face. Avoid round or circular frames, as they can make your face even rounder. Choose sunglasses that sit high on your face and have a wide bridge to create the illusion of a longer, slimmer face. It’s also important to consider the purpose of your sunglasses. Are you looking for sunglasses for everyday wear, or do you need a pair for outdoor sports or activities? This will help determine the UV protection level and lens colour you need.

  1. Oval Face Shape
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If you have an oval face shape, you’re in luck! Oval faces can wear almost any shape of sunglasses, from round to square to the aviator. However, to accentuate your features, choose sunglasses slightly wider than the broadest part of your face. Look for frames that are not too large or too small, and avoid frames that are too wide or too narrow. When shopping for sunglasses, remember to try them on before purchasing. Look for a comfortable fit, and ensure the frames don’t slide down your nose or dig into your temples. Don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion, either!

  1. Square Face Shape

If you have a square face shape, choose sunglasses with curved edges and soft lines. Round or oval frames work well with square faces, as they soften the angular features of your face. Avoid square or rectangular frames, as they make your face appear boxy. Choose sunglasses that sit low on your face and have a narrow bridge to make your face appear longer. Another essential factor to consider is the durability of the sunglasses. Look for frames made of sturdy materials, such as acetate or metal, and choose scratch-resistant lenses. This will ensure that your sunglasses last for years to come.

  1. Heart-Shaped Face
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If you have a heart-shaped face, look for sunglasses that balance your face’s proportions. Cat-eye and aviator frames work well with heart-shaped faces, drawing attention away from the forehead and toward the eyes. Avoid too wide or too narrow frames, as they can make your face appear imbalanced. Choose sunglasses that sit high on your face and have a wide bridge to create the illusion of a broader forehead.

In conclusion, choosing the perfect sunglasses for your face shape can be easy if you know what to look for. Determine your face shape, and choose sunglasses that compliment your features. Remember to choose sunglasses that sit high on your face and have a wide bridge to create the illusion of a longer, slimmer face. By following these tips, you can find the perfect sunglasses that protect your eyes and enhance your style.