In-House vs. Service Providers: Which one offers ultimate security for your business data?

Cyber Security

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Your business may be at a point where it needs to choose between in-house security teams or outsourcing help. Beyond the question of cost, there are some apparent differences between the two styles of security protection that can significantly influence the security and privacy of your organization. By becoming familiar with the two most common approaches to security management, you can make the right choice for your business needs. 

At first glance, you might believe that in-house services provide more control than outsourcing methods, but while you can control your department, you can’t manage time limitations. Unfortunately, relying on the company to provide security is not reliable as it cannot ensure that 24/7 security monitoring is always in effect. It is also far less possible to catch every potential threat, suggesting that outsourcing is ideal for protecting your internal infrastructure. 

Using Security Operations Centers, organizations using cyber security services can provide 24/7 security to clients. Using SOC-As-a-Service, monitoring potential cyber threats for that organization is always taking place. By providing cyber security at all times, the organization’s internal networks are better protected. Read on for a detailed explanation to learn why SOC services are a better choice for security than in-house security departments. 

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What is Privileged Access Management?

Privileged Access Management (PAM) consists of the cybersecurity strategies and technologies for exerting control over the elevated (“privileged”) access and permissions for users, accounts, processes, and systems across an IT environment. By dialing in the appropriate level of privileged access controls, Privileged Access Management (PAM) helps organizations condense their organization’s attack surface, and prevent, or at least mitigate, the damage arising from external attacks as well as from insider malfeasance or negligence.

What Are SOC Services? 

With SOC services, an organization’s internal components are managed with security systems that act as partners actively investigating any chance of a cyber threat. The operation centers are fixated around a unique system that takes log data from various endpoints to inform the organization of potentially suspicious activity. These systems, known as security and incident event management systems, provide businesses with advanced technological solutions for security coverage. 

Why Are Advanced Security Systems Needed? 

With technology continuing to evolve, it is becoming increasingly challenging for businesses to keep their data secure. Data breaches continue to happen despite responding to cyber security threats with different kinds of security technology. To combat these issues, relying on a security service provider can act as the additional tool needed to make up for the shortcomings of other security approaches. 

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Given that the number of cyber-attacks is growing each year, the need for a stable security system is dire. Without a system that provides 24/7 security services, organizations are at risk of being attacked. Unfortunately, despite the need for security services, not every business can afford the setup of these systems. 

Likewise, hiring security experts is more manageable financially by integrating the help of these professionals with advanced security operations center networking. By relying on SOC services, you gain security monitoring and the additional features that enhance your organization’s protection. 

Why SOC Beats Out In-House Security 

Unlike in-house security departments, SOC services offer security monitoring and screening that is always taking place. Whether or not you’re in the office, this 24/7 security watch protects your internal infrastructure. These modular systems are flexible enough to meet the needs of your business as they change over time. 

By integrating new features or additions, your security can be enhanced to meet the needs of your business and as your networks mature. Beyond these expectations, you can count on SOC services reporting and performance alerts that inform your organization of any potential threats that may be occurring across your networks. Although in-house security is helpful, it does not contain the same efficiency and reporting capability as SOC services. 

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You need more than just a department to track the potential cyber-attacks and threats as they can occur. When you use an in-house security team, you put the entire responsibility of your network security on the business. Even if your department is solid, the ongoing need for training, investments, and equipment can be a significant headache and interference with the protection of the internal organization. Unlike SOC services, in-house security is tedious and is not cost-effective, suggesting that in-house security presents more disadvantages than advantages. 

Keep Your Internal Business Safe With 24/7 Security 

As technology continuously evolves, cybercrime also grows. You can save money and time by using SOCial services rather than in-house security. Regardless of your methods, understand that your data is more likely to remain secure with 24/7 surveillance in place.