5 Most Addicting Games That You Can’t Get Enough Of


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Life can be stressful. Whether it be workload or studies, now and then, we all deserve a break. This is when games come to our rescue. In our highly connected and digitalized world, addictive games can prove to be the perfect sanctuary.

If you a gamer yourself, know that you are not alone! In fact, the gaming industry is thriving at a rapid pace.

According to Statista, in the USA, the value of the gaming industry reached 19.7 billion dollars. Furthermore, according to Polygon, 63 percent of American households tend to have at least one gamer.

In a world where almost everyone is playing or has played games, here are some of the most addicting games that you can’t get enough of in 2020!

1. Moles in Holes

Unlimited Gamez Mo is an excellent platform for anyone who wishes to play simple yet addictive games. The online platform features a variety of games, belonging to an array of genres. 

Whether it be strategy, mind, or action, there is something in it for all. The only downside is that you have to pay a small subscription fee to access the entire collection of games.

One game that has managed to keep gamers glued to it is Moles in Holes. The gameplay is very simple. You need to connect each hungry mole to a piece of food via a tunnel. Simple, right? This is where things get slightly challenging and hence interesting.

In each level, you have to connect a number of moles to their respective food items. And the catch is that no two tunnels you create can cross each other. Hence, you must think and plan ahead in time to ensure that each mole reaches his food.

This strategizing is what makes this game highly addictive. The more you advance in the game, the more moles you will have to direct. So, it gets harder and harder with every passing level. This is what makes the game highly addictive and worth the time.

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2. Fortnite

We cannot talk about addictive games and not mention Fortnite. Fortnite is one game that has taken the gaming community by storm. Since its launch in 2017, the game has successfully managed to attract over 125million players!

This online video game has been developed by Epic Games and is a reason for more than 200 divorces in the UK alone! Why so? This is because people tend to get so engrossed in the game that they don’t give time to anything else.

What does Fortnite entail? Well, it is a survival game where simultaneously 100 players fight one another to survive and hence emerge as the last person standing. The player versus player gameplay means that the game encourages the competitive feeling within to take charge of the player.

The gameplay revolves around players being transported to a small island with nothing more than an ax to defend themselves. Over the course of the game, players must scavenge for more weapons and actively avoid an electrical storm.

You must also eliminate other players by killing them. Regardless of your progress in the game, you will constantly be reminded of the progress of others. Notifications about other players killing each other further add to the sense of urgency, making it very hard to quit the game.

3. League of Legends

Another quality online multiplayer game that has proven to be addictive is League of Legends. The first installment of this series was released over a decade ago in 2009.

Since then, it has managed to gain a massive following among avid gamers. Every single month, it has over 100 million players playing the game.

League of Legends is a strategy game that tests your teamwork. Here, players are divided into two teams of five people each. The challenge is to destroy each other’s base. This doesn’t just require waging war and killing your opponent. Instead, you must strategize about building your resources and creating a full-fledged plan of destroying the towers of your rivals. You can also buy league of legends accounts to jump into high ranked game that make it more challenging and fun.

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In the game, each player assumes the role of a distinct “champion,” each of whom has a unique set of abilities. You can choose to add five other players in your team or select a computer-controlled champion. Most people find it much more addictive and meaningful when played with other players rather than a computer.

4. Pokémon Go

One Android and an iOS game that suddenly had everyone talking in 2016 are Pokemon Go. Many think that the game was a fad. It witnessed a sudden rise in downloads and then saw a decline in its active players.

Despite this, one cannot contend on the game’s ability to keep you hooked once you start playing it. The only downside that caused the demise in the popularity of the game was that it required you to go out of your house actively. And when you are swamped with work and responsibilities, such mobility doesn’t come easily!

Still, the game is excellent for when you have a few hours and fuel to spare. What does this game consist of? 

Well, the gameplay cannot get any simpler than Pokémon Go. All you have to do is find all the hidden Pokemons in your surroundings and capture them. Now and then, you can choose to fight other trainers by using your Pokemon.

If you were among Pokemon enthusiasts who used to hoard Pokemon cards in their childhood, you would surely find this game addictive and interesting.

5. Minecraft

In a world where quality graphics are highly sought after, one game managed to gain a cult following with highly pixelated graphics! Minecraft has been a huge hit ever since it was released in 2011 by a Swedish developer. By 2014, it had been purchased by Microsoft, and the letter become the best-selling game of all time!

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As of 2019, the game has sold over 180 million copies and has over 112 million active players. Minecraft provides its players with a 3D, highly pixelated, and a blocky world to explore. In this world, you have to find raw material and resources to build structures while you fight enemies along the way.

There are different modes within the game. For instance, in the survival mode, you need to attain the resources you require to build a town and maintain your health while doing so. There is a creative mode for those players who don’t want to be limited by the resources they have. The Java Edition is yet another mode that allows you to create custom gameplay, assets, and items.

Verdict: Which is the best?

Among these five highly addictive games, you might wonder, which one is the best? Well, the answer to this question is not simple. Each of these games has managed to leave a lasting impression on players. Some of them have hilarious tales about what the addictive nature of the gameplay has resulted in!

This makes it impossible to choose a clear winner. And this isn’t a competition either! In all fairness, different games are best suited for different occasions.

But, for us, Moles in Holes is the first choice.  This is because, while Moles in Holes is ideal for any time of the day, Fortnite and League of Legends require you to have ample time on your hand. So, for a quick stress buster, we find ourselves opting for the game quite often.

You can choose to disagree! Which one is your favorite addictive game? Let us know.

Author Bio:

About Ashley Rosa: Ashley Rosa is a freelance writer and blogger. As writing is her passion that why she loves to write articles related to the latest trends in technology and sometimes on health-tech as well.  She is crazy about chocolates. You can find her at twitter: @ashrosa2.