Google’s Featured Snippets: The Biggest Slice of the SERP Pie?


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Have you ever pondered upon the mysterious ways of Google and how it decides which websites to showcase at the zenith of its search results? Wonder no more. 

Google’s feature snippets have taken over the SERP cake and are revolutionizing how people engage with search results. Feature snippets are like the golden nuggets of information that pop up in a highlighted box at the top of Google’s search results, offering speedy solutions to users’ queries. 

For businesses, ranking in a featured snippet can be a total game-changer. With the increase in voice searches and the number of mobile users, providing a clear and concise answer to customer queries in a featured snippet, businesses can enhance their visibility and attract more traffic to their websites. 

So prepare yourself to discover all about Google’s feature snippets and how they are transforming how people interact with search results. 

Benefits of featured snippets:

  1. Increased website traffic:

Featured snippets are one of the first things that catch the eye of the user, even before the organic search results. With such high visibility, it is no wonder that featured snippets are a powerhouse for driving more traffic to your website. 

Featured snippets are like the ultimate wingman for your website. They are here to grab the attention of the users. With increased traffic, your website can enjoy higher engagement and potential conversions, resulting in a much better ROI

Optimising your content for featured snippets lets you position your website as the go-to source for valuable and reliable information, taking your website to a higher success. 

  1. Increased credibility and authority:

Featured snippets are the stamp of approval from Google that your website is a credible source of information. By appearing in the featured snippets, you can boost your online authority and gain the trust of users searching for answers. 

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They are proof that your website provides valuable and accurate information that users can trust. By establishing your business as an industry leader in your featured snippet, you can gain a competitive advantage over others in your niche and stand out as the go-to source for reliable information.

  1.  Improved brand awareness:

Featured snippets are the perfect tool for businesses looking to increase their brand awareness and reach a wider audience. They help your website appear on the top of the SERPs, which can attract more attention to your brand. It allows you to showcase your expertise, share your message and build brand awareness among a wider audience. 

  1. Improved user experience:

Featured snippets can help you provide concise and relevant information to the users, improving their user experience while making search more efficient. This not only saves the users’ time but also enhances their satisfaction and loyalty. By optimising your content for featured snippets, you can provide users with the information they need in a way that is easy to understand and accessible. 

  1. Increased voice search visibility:

With the rise of voice search, appearing in a featured snippet can significantly improve a business’s visibility on voice search platforms like Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa. This coveted position can significantly improve a business’s chances of being recommended as the top result when users voice their queries. By providing a straightforward response to common queries, businesses can enhance their chances of being discovered by potential customers in the world of voice search.

Types of Featured Snippets:

  1. Paragraph featured snippets:

These snippets are like the wise old sage who has answers to every question. They provide a concise answer to user queries and appear at the top of SERPs. They must be short and sweet, but also pack a punch with informative content.

  1. List featured snippets:
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Sometimes you need information in a hurry, and that’s where the list featured snippet comes in. These snippets are like the shopping list for your brain, giving you a quick rundown of all the essential items you need to know. Let’s say you are looking for a particular recipe or a list of the best movies; the list snippet has got you covered.

  1. The table featured snippets:

If you are a numbers person, the table featured snippets are for you. These snippets can take complex data and make them easy to understand.

  1. Video-featured snippets:

Video-featured snippets are like a personal tour guide who takes you on a journey through the topic you’re interested in. Videos are always a fun way of engaging with your customers, and video snippets just improvise on the same.

  1. Image featured snippets:

It is said that a picture says a thousand words, and this is particularly true for image snippets. These snippets are like a visual feast to your eyes while giving you all the information you need. Whether searching for a product or a service, an image snippet will provide you with a pupil-dilating glimpse of what you are looking for.

Getting featured snippets:

  • Identify search queries with featured snippets: Look for queries that are related to your content and have featured snippets.
  • Optimise your content for featured snippets: Try providing concise and direct answers to the search queries.
  • Provide high-quality and in-depth content: The more comprehensive your content is, the more chances it has of increasing the relevance to its queries.
  • Focus on long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific search queries with less competition. You can take help from tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to identify long-tail keywords relevant to your content.
  • Leverage structured data: Structured data provides search engines with additional information about your content, making it easier to understand.
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As the SERP pie grows even larger, Google’s featured snippets have become the biggest slice. These snippets have been widely lauded for their ability to provide concise and direct answers to users’ queries, making them a sought-after spot for website owners and SEO experts

However, there are a few tricks up your sleeve that can help you secure the spotlight. Optimising your content for the user’s query, providing high-quality and in-depth information, and using structured data are all strategies that can improve your chances of getting featured. 

Ultimately the key to success is to provide value to the user. By creating informative and engaging content, you can increase your chances of securing a featured snippet and establishing yourself as an authoritative source in your industry. 

So put on the thinking cap, sharpen your SEO skills, and get ready to conquer the SEO pie!


  • What are Google’s featured snippets?

When you search for something on Google, you may notice a box that appears at the top of some search results. This box is called the featured snippet, an attempt by Google to provide users with quick answers to their search queries. They provide users with a quick answer to their search query, often in the form of paragraphs, lists, or tables. 

  • Are featured snippets always accurate?

No, featured snippets are not always accurate, but Google does its best to ensure the information provided is as accurate as possible. If you notice an inaccurate or outdated snippet, you can report it to Google using the ‘Feedback’ link below the snippet. 

  • Do featured snippets impact my website’s click-through rate?

Yes, featured snippets can impact your website’s click-through rate. If your website is featured in a snip, it will appear on the top of SERP, resulting in more clicks and visits.