Pubg vs. Fortnite- A Battle of Supremacy


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Are you a PC gamer? If yes, then you might be familiar with other battle royale games such as Pubg and Fortnite. These two are one of the most popular games available on several Platforms. Pubg is developed by Bluehole and fortnite is created by the team of Epic games. However, both pubg and fortnite work on the same Unreal Engine 4.

So, today I will try to find which one is better by going through different aspects of these two games. What are their similarities and how both of them are different from each other? Aren’t you curious to know about the similarities and differences between the two? If yes, then what are we waiting for let’s start.

Which one is Popular?

Let’s start with the stats to find out which one is more popular and has a more active user base. When it comes to the PC version, Fortnite is ahead in terms of players as it has 40 Million users and 3 Million+ active users who are way more than Pubg PC. Moreover, if you played pubg and fortnite before than you might have noticed that waiting time on Pubg is more than Fortnite.

When it comes to the Mobile version, Pubg beats Fortnite easily. Pubg Mobile has a total of 200 Million downloads and 30 Million daily active users whereas fortnite mobile has 8.3 Million active users. Moreover, you can play pubg mobile on every smartphone that has more than 2GB of Ram whereas Fortnite is limited for selected devices. I think that availability on limited devices is the reason behind fewer users on Fortnite Mobile.  

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Maps in both Pubg and fortnite share a similarity such as you enter into a lobby arena and start your match with 100 other players. Afterward, you will find yourself inside a plane (PUBG) or in case of fortnite battle royale- a party bus. Moreover, you can drop at any location you want on the map using a parachute in PUBG or an umbrella or something else in Fortnite.

Fortnite has only one small map with cities. However, this map updates at the launch of the new season.

In contrast to fortnite, Pubg initially had two maps- Erangle and Miramar. However, after the latest Pubg Update, it now has two more maps- Sanhok and Vikendi. Pubg gets two updates. In Pubg, Erangle is one fictional island in Russia, Miramar is a fictional desert map of Mexico, Vikendi is a snow map, and Sanhok is based on some islands of Thailand and the Philippines.


When it comes to graphics, there are noticeable differences between Pubg and fortnite’s graphics. The cause for this is that PUBG has a much smaller developmental team than Fortnite. So, you can understand that it is the reason behind some problems that you face when you play pubg on your smartphone or PC. Therefore, if you encounter these issues when playing Pubg, then it is better for you to try Fortnite: Battle Royale as it has better optimization then Pubg.


In terms of graphics, PUBG looks a bit more realistic as compared to Fortnite that has a cartoonish look similar to Fortress 2. Moreover, you and other players are much harder to detect in PUBG than in Fortnite.


Gameplay is the main factor that helps in determining which one is best. When it comes to gameplay options, both pubg and fortnite allow you to play solo or with your friends in the duo or squad matches. So, whatever mode you play, your primary goal is the same: get a win, and you can achieve it by becoming the last man or team standing. Moreover, in both the games, there is a toxic gas outside the safe circle, so you need to stay inside the safe zone or else you’ll lose your HP (Health Power) quickly.

After playing Fortnite for some time, I noticed that on average a match in fortnite is shorter than PUBG match. The only reason for this is the short map size and circle timings. Moreover, when compared to pubg Fortnite allows you to build using your creativity in Fortnite Battle Royale. Please don’t get confused with the building, as you can do it by destroying trees, houses, walls, and everything that comes in-between. Additionally, you can build protective walls, trap houses or build as far as to the sky using the resources that you founded during building.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q- Can I play Pubg Pc for free?

Answer- No, it is not possible to play Pubg for free on your PC. You can play pubg by purchasing it from Steam. However, Fortnite is totally free for PC.

Q- Can I play Pubg and Fortnite on my old PC?

Answer- Yes, you can play them on your Pc. However, it will lag a lot.

Q- I have a Mac PC. Can I play Pubg and Fortnite on it?

Answer- Yes, you can Pubg on both Windows and Mac OS.

Final Words

To conclude, I would say that, after playing both pubg and fortnite, I noticed that Fortnite loaded much, much faster as compared to PUBG. The best thing is that Epic Games is trying their best to make fortnite even smoother. If you still aren’t able to understand what I am trying to say then let me give you an example- suppose you have finished your and then if you start your game again. It will begin to it immediately afterward. However, if you try to do so in Pubg, then it will take much more time as it is not optimized like Fortnite. It’s pretty unique and makes the game more compelling.

Because of its optimization, the main benefit Fortnite gets is that its user will have a much easier time in finding the enemies. However, it’s a lot harder if you try this in PUBG. Additionally, the other thing I didn’t like about pubg is that most of the players do camping in a house and then the risk of getting into a trap is much higher for you.