Three Things to Do to Streamline Your Big Data Analytics for Marketing

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Big data analytics is changing the dynamics of the marketing world. When marketers were focusing more on selling their products to anyone who listens, big data helped them with targeted marketing. When marketers were creating marketing campaigns just for the sake of it, big data helped them with predictive analysis.

Big data has become such an integral part of marketing that marketers who started working with big data analytics cannot work without it now. A lot of businesses are trying to do their best to use big data for their marketing. But there is a huge world of difference between companies at the top that are trying with predictive analysis and extensive research to companies that are just figuring out to use big data for their Facebook marketing.

If marketers do not want to waste all that valuable data they have at hand and put it to good use, then there are three things that they need to do.

Make Sense of All That Data

It can be quite overwhelming for a new company who have just started with big data analytics to manage all that data. Some do not know what data they need to collect and end up collecting all and every data they can find. This can be fine for organizations that have a lot of data experts and data scientists to work on this huge volume of data and analyse them. These organizations may use the data to predict the overall market scenario or the influence between markets on a bigger scale.

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If you are short on manpower, just starting out or just want to get the hang of data before taking a huge leap, then it is better to plan and collect only those data which you need.  When we talk about big data analytics, many skip the part where the data has to be managed and jump on to worry about the data analysis. While data analysis is integral, managing the data collected is a huge responsibility. When it is not performed properly, you could end up with data swamps which will be a huge difficulty to recover from. Therefore, it is best to hire some good data experts who can manage data efficiently and lay a smooth foundation for the analysts to work on.

Create A Customer-Centric Plan

Do not start big data analytics without any plan in mind. Identify the areas where big data analytics can help in marketing and approach the analysis from that direction.

Marketing is all about customers. There are thousands of ways in which big data can help you with your customers. If you look at most of the requirements in providing a good customer experience, it all boils down to personalization in customer experience. From the recommendations in the online stores to the conversations with chatbots, everything a business deals with customer circles around personalized customer experiences.

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From the roundtable talks conducted by Econsultancy in 2018 with some of the best marketers in Hong Kong and Mumbai, one of the main topics discussed was how data is helping marketers to provide better customer experiences through specific targeting based on the behavioural traits and the customer journey.

It is clear that big data is a major part of creating great customer experiences. It’s of no use to have such data with you and still keep sending spamming emails and random ads in social media without any direction. Big data can help regulate all the efforts by keeping the customers at the centre.

When implementing big data analytics, you can start small with just one main application where big data solutions company can make a difference to your customer journey and work towards it. It is essential to identify the areas where big data can be of help and plan and strategize the big data analytics around it.

Educate The Employees About The Power of Data

Just educating the marketers about big data is not sufficient. The big data analysis will not only impact the marketers but the entire company and it is essential to let every single employee in your company know about it. Big data needs to work between departments and move across various employee levels.

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Sharing of big data is crucial for the entire company. The marketing department alone cannot create data silos just for themselves and ignore to share it with the rest of the company. Departments need to help each other with the data and share it with the relevant departments or officials.

Only if the organization takes the effort to educate everyone about big data, the influence of it can be felt across all departments.

Big data analytics can be an incredible advantage for companies. If a business can collect and manage the relevant data, create specific goals for customer experience and spread the advantages of big data through all departments, then they can be off to a good start.