Online Tutors: 5 Reasons You Should Use Tutoring Software


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Tutoring software offers everything you need to keep your tutoring business up. There are many good reasons to use this type of software, whether you’re an experienced tutor or someone looking to start their own business from scratch. Here are the five best reasons to use convenient tutoring tools such as Pearl to manage your online tutoring service.

1) Avoid clogged inbox

Tutoring software helps you stay organized and reduces the risk of clogging your inbox. If you are working with a student from one of the most demanding countries in the world, China, it can be tough to keep up with all their questions and messages. Imagine a tutor receiving at least ten emails daily from students who can’t find something or want clarification on an assignment. 

Using tutoring software can reduce this number to 2-3 messages per day and allow a tutor to focus on students that need help, not those that want reassurance. In addition, tutoring software provides more detailed records than email exchanges, so both tutor and student will have a better idea of what is going on.

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2) Need for more virtual classroom features

A virtual classroom has many benefits that in-person classrooms don’t. A school can save money by not needing to purchase and maintain a physical building. This can be an appealing option for parents and guardians with children attending different schools or those in rural areas far from brick-and-mortar schools. 

Furthermore, online classrooms offer better student engagement as they take advantage of the whole range of modern learning styles. There is also a more significant opportunity for one-on-one interactions with instructors and less distraction during learning sessions due to students being able to work independently if they need to go offline. Virtual classrooms have these benefits but sometimes lack some features that in-person classrooms have – this is where Online Tutoring software comes into play!

3) Easier payment management

Online tutoring tools prevent wastage of time, money, and effort on both the tutor’s and the student’s sides. Fewer hours are spent on paperwork, coordination, administration, and communication. Payment management is also easier with online tutoring software because it simplifies payments with secure payment gateways or other payment solutions that make it easy for clients to pay tuition fees on time.

Some students are often late with their payments which causes problems for tutors who must pay their bills on time. With an online tutoring platform like Pearl, it becomes easier for teachers to create custom payment plans that can be adjusted based on the student’s needs.

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4) keep track of student progress more efficiently

Efficiently tracking student progress is a crucial part of tutoring, which can be hard to do in person with more than one student. Scheduling and keeping track of how students progress at their own pace can be cumbersome, but it’s much easier with software. 

Specific programs allow you to log all this information so that when you sit down with a parent or administrator, they have everything they need at the tip of their fingers. That’s why even though these programs are new and many people still don’t know about them, it may soon become standard for all teachers and tutors to use them. These tools will make your job not only easier but also more organized and efficient.

5) To be able to review lessons

Lesson review is an essential part of the learning process. It’s impossible to cover everything in one lesson, and you must get practice and reinforcement on what you learned. With tutoring software, you can review lessons anytime you need to. In this way, you can study at your own pace and go over things that are difficult for you or that might have slipped your mind during the lesson. 

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You will also see how much progress you have made since the last lesson. Additionally, the software includes many other features that can help supplement your learning experiences, such as a dictionary and a glossary that help explain words or phrases from a different point of view.


Tutors are no longer just a luxury for the rich and famous. Online tutoring is now available to anyone who needs it, whether in school or not. The best part is that there are a variety of options when it comes to finding an online tutor. 

You can choose from one-on-one sessions, group lessons, live tutoring, or even phone sessions with a tutor. Whatever your needs are, you can find the perfect fit for you. And don’t forget about the benefits.