Time wasting activities destroy your sales team’s performance


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Your staff put in long hours. You know this because you see them toiling away every time you walk through the office. So, what’s the deal with the low productivity? What’s getting in the way of progress? Here are the top corporate time-wasters as well as get rid of them for good.

1. Conferences and Presentations That Aren’t Relevant

Meetings have gotten out of hand. We now hold meetings only to discuss where, when, and how to organise future meetings! Nobody needs to read every slide of a PowerPoint presentation; simply redistribute the file and let employees read at their leisure. Remove meetings and replace them with other methods of discussion and collaboration, or limit meetings to times when none of that will suffice.

2. Construct a “No Doing” list in replacement of the “To Do” list.

The “to-do” list has been used and abused in the same way that the old meeting was. Workers become so preoccupied with completing the list’s trivial activities that they overlook more serious issues. Create “stop doing” lists to assist employees to eliminate time-wasters and perform the tasks at hand.

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3. Working on Other People’s Projects

Are supervisors or other employees attempting to pick up the slack for employees who don’t know what they’re doing or require assistance with everything? If that’s the case, it’s time to start letting the swimmers swim and the others, well, sink. Maintaining a deadweight reduces everyone’s productivity.

4. Unprecedented Interruptions (Business or Personal): 

A worker gets to work on a project. The phone then rings. After that, an email message appears. The worker’s mother then sends her a text message, and a coworker asks her a question (or two or five). Calls and messages should be handled at specified periods of the day, leaving the rest of the day free for productive work. You can use sales commission software for better management. 

5. Excessive multitasking

Many workers believe they are accomplishing a lot by multitasking, but are they? Taking on too much at once can leave you with 100 projects that are just 1% completed at the end of the day. It’s generally more effective to focus on one job at a time and see it through to completion (or at least a reasonable stopping point) before moving on to the next.

6. A Workplace That Isn’t Managed

Creative people love to brag about their clutter as a secret organisational technique that only they know about. However, studies demonstrate that clutter and disorder waste a lot of time in the long run. Insist on clean workstations, functional filing systems, and efficient processes and workflows across the board.

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7. Taking Too Many Breaks

smart idea. It aids in the re-establishment of focus and the reduction of tension. However, stopping by the coffee machine or the smoking section every 15-20 minutes is inefficient and wastes a lot of time.

8. Using waste software: using waste software for managing your sales is a complete waste of time. You can use good software to manage your sales. ElevateHQ is a fantastic piece of software that will help you keep track of your commission management strategy by providing scalability, convenience, accountability, and genuine visibility.


So, here is the list of activities you can face at your workplace. Being a manager you can use your skills to make better profit as well as You can boost your sales by eliminating a few activities from your corporate area.