Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Upholstery Fresh


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Hey there! Are you feeling a little overwhelmed with the thought of cleaning your upholstery? Trust us, we know the feeling. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! Upholstery Cleaning Melbourne is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy and welcoming home environment. After all, who wants to relax on a couch covered in dirt and stains? Especially when you got a leather lounge. Lounge cleaning Melbourne is a very tiring process and you don’t want your leather lounge appearance to get all shabby.

In this blog, we’ll share some practical tips and tricks that will make lounge cleaning Melbourne a breeze. Whether you’re a clean freak or a cleaning novice, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and get your upholstery looking fresh and fabulous!

Why is Upholstery Cleaning Important?

Before we dive into the Upholstery Cleaning Melbourne tips, let’s first discuss why Upholstery Cleaning Melbourne is important. Here are some reasons why you should make it a priority:

Improved Air Quality-: Dust, dirt, and allergens can accumulate in your upholstery, causing poor air quality in your home. Regular lounge cleaning Melbourne can help reduce these pollutants and improve the air you breathe.

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Extended Lifespan-: Proper lounge cleaning Melbourne and maintenance can help extend the life of your upholstery, allowing you to get the most out of your investment.

Enhanced Appearance-: Clean furniture looks better and can help create a more welcoming and inviting atmosphere in your home.

A Healthier Home-: Allergens and bacteria can cause health problems for you and your family. Regular cleaning can help reduce the risk of illness and improve the overall health of your home.

Now that you know why upholstery cleaning Melbourne is important, let’s move on to some tips and tricks to keep your furniture looking its best.

Some Amazing Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Upholstery Fresh

Tip #1: Vacuum your upholstery regularly

Vacuuming your upholstery on a regular basis is an effective way to remove dirt and dust from your furniture. Use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to gently clean your furniture. Be careful to go into every nook and cranny where dirt could collect.

Tip #2: Address Stains Quickly

Accidents happen, and when they do, it’s important to address them quickly. It will be more challenging to get rid of a stain from your upholstery the longer it is there. Use a clean cloth to blot up any spills or stains as soon as possible. A stain should not be rubbed since doing so might exacerbate the issue.

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Tip #3: Test Cleaning Products First

Before using any upholstery cleaning Melbourne products on your upholstery, be sure to test them first. Apply a small amount of the product to an inconspicuous area of your furniture and wait for it to dry. If there is no discoloration or damage, you can use the product on the rest of your upholstery.

Tip #4: Use Gentle Cleaning Products

When it comes to upholstery cleaning Melbourne, it’s important to use gentle cleaning products. Harsh chemicals can damage your furniture and cause discoloration. Look for products that are specifically designed for upholstery cleaning and are gentle on fabrics.

Tip #5: Hire a Professional Upholstery Cleaner

While you can certainly clean your upholstery on your own, hiring a professional upholstery cleaner can provide you with a deeper clean and ensure that your furniture is properly cared for. Professional cleaners have the experience and equipment to remove even the toughest stains and leave your furniture looking like new.

Tip #6: Rotate your cushions

To ensure even wear and tear on your upholstery, it’s important to rotate your cushions regularly. This will help prevent one area of your furniture from becoming more worn than the rest.

Tip #7: Protect Your Upholstery

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Finally, to keep your upholstery looking its best, it’s important to protect it from spills and stains. Consider using a fabric protector to help repel spills and make cleaning up easier.


Proper care and maintenance of your upholstery are essential to ensuring that it looks its best and lasts for years to come. Following the above mentioned tricks help you keep your upholstery clean but there is nothing better than hiring a professional upholstery cleaner. Aero Upholstery Cleaning Melbourne will provide you with the best upholstery cleaning Melbourne. We have qualified technicians with top notch equipment. 

So what are you waiting for, contact us 0480090657 now!!