Top 10+ Popular DevOps Tools for Automation Infrastructure 2019

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There are several tools available for infrastructure automation. Which tool to be utilized is chosen by the architecture and requirements of your infrastructure. We have listed a couple of popular DevOps tools beneath which go under various categories like configuration management, coordination, constant combination, monitoring, and so on, 

We have ordered the toolsets into the accompanying. 

Here are Top 10+ Popular DevOps Tools for Automation Infrastructure 2019

Infrastructure as Code 

1. Terraform 

It is made by Hashicorp and written in Go. It underpins all open and private cloud infrastructure provisioning. Dissimilar to other configuration management DevOps tools, terraform works admirably in keeping up the condition of your infrastructure, utilizing an idea called state files. 

You can begin with Terraform in days as it is straightforward. Terraform has its very own DSL called HCL (Hashicorp configuration language). Also, you can write your very own terraform module utilizing golang for your custom functionalities. If you a fledgling, you can begin with Terraform using this book. You can get all the community to terraform modules from terraforming vault. 

2. Ansible 

Ansible is operator less configuration management just as an arrangement tool. In Ansible, the configuration modules are classified “Playbooks.” Playbooks are written in YAML organization, and it is generally simple to write when compared to other configuration management tools.

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3. Chef 

Chef is a ruby based configuration management tool. In chef you can code in DSL (domain-specific language) and with a little bit of programming. Chef arrangements virtual machines and designs them as indicated by the standards referenced in the cookbooks. 

A specialist would keep running on every one of the servers which must be arranged. The specialist will pull the cookbooks from the chef ace server and runs those configurations on the server to arrive at its ideal state. You can discover all the community cookbook from Chef Supermarket. 

4. Puppet 

Puppet is also a ruby based configuration management tool like a chef. The configuration code is written utilizing puppet DSL’s and enveloped by modules while chef cookbooks are more engineer-driven while the puppet is created by remembering system heads. 

Puppet runs a puppet specialist on all server to be arranged, and it pulls the assembled module from the puppet server and introduces required software packages specified in the module. You can discover all community Puppet Modules from Puppetforge 

5. Saltstack 

It is a python based. In contrast to chef and puppet, Saltstack underpins remote execution of directions. Typically in chef and puppet, the code for configuration will be pulled from the server while, in Saltstack, the code can be pushed to numerous hubs at the same time. The arrangement of code and configuration is quick in Saltstack. 

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Persistent Integration/Deployment 

6. Jenkins 

Jenkins is a java based persistent incorporation tool for the quicker conveyance of applications. Jenkins must be associated with a version control system like GitHub or SVN. At whatever point new code is pushed to a code repository, Jenkins server will construct and test the new code and notifies the group for with the outcomes and changes. 

Jenkins isn’t only a CI tool any longer. Jenkins has been utilized as an organization tool by structure pipelines for the application provisioning and deployment. Its new pipeline as code functionality gives you a chance to keep the CI/CD pipelines as a complete code. 

7. Vagrant 

Vagrant is an extraordinary tool for designing virtual machines for an improved situation. Vagrant keeps running over VM solutions like VirtualBox, VMware, Hyper-V, and so on. It uses a configuration record called Vagrantfile, which contains every one of the configurations required for the VM. When a virtual machine is made, it can be imparted to different engineers to have a similar improvement condition. Vagrant has modules for cloud provisioning, configuration management tools (chef, puppet, and so on,) and Docker. 

8. Docker 

Docker makes isolated conditions for applications called compartments. Docker is viewed as the subsequent stage in virtualization. Docker has a colossal designer community, and it is increasing enormous popularity among DevOps practitioners and pioneers in cloud computing. 

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Config/Secret Management 

9. Consul 

Consul is an opensource profoundly available key-esteem store. It is, for the most part, utilized for administration disclosure purposes. If you have a utilization case to store and recover configurations continuously, consul is the correct fit. 

10. etcd 

etcd is another opensource key-esteem store made by the CoreOS group. It is one of the key segments utilized in Kubernetes for storing the condition of group activities and management. 

11. Vault 

A vault is an open-source tool for storing and recovering secret information. It gives numerous functionalities to store your secret key in a scrambled manner. You can make ACLs, strategies, and jobs to oversee how the secrets will be accessed by end-clients. 

12. Prometheus and Alert Manager 

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system. It is lightweight and specifically worked for present-day application monitoring. It underpins Linux server and compartment monitoring. 

It has out of the crate support for Kubernetes and Openshift monitoring. Ready supervisor deals with all the alarming set up for the monitoring metrics. 

13. New Relic 

It supports monitoring of various applications like Php, Ruby, Java, NodeJS, and so on. It gives you continuous bits of knowledge about your running application. A new relic operator should be arranged in your application to get continuous information. New relic uses various metrics to give significant bits of knowledge about the application it is monitoring.

About The Author

Code Wilson is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by IOS 8 Apps Development Services. I would love to share thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.