8 Video Editing Trends to Look Out For in 2023

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Video is the most powerful medium to communicate, but how do you make sure your videos stand out from the crowd?

Video editing trends are a great place to start. Many people think that video editing is about adding effects and making things pretty, but it’s actually much more than that. The right mix of visuals and audio can tell a story in a way that text alone never could.

Video editing is a highly specialized skill. It takes years to learn how to do it well—and even then, there’s always room for improvement. The art of video editing has evolved significantly over the last decade as new tools and techniques have emerged.

In 2023, video editing is expected to reach new heights. Here are some of the video editing trends you can expect to see in the coming years:

1. AI-Powered Video Editing.

As the world becomes increasingly digital, there’s a growing need for tools that can help us make sense of it. Computer vision and machine learning are two technologies that have already made an impact on video editing—and they’re only going to become more useful as time goes on. AI-powered video editing tools will be able to analyze footage with incredible accuracy, allowing editors to do things like find similar scenes in seconds or automatically correct common mistakes like incorrect framing.

The use of artificial intelligence to create better video content is already starting to happen. You’ve probably seen some examples of this if you’ve watched any YouTube videos lately—AI editors can help remove people from the footage, add effects like motion blur and depth of field, remove background noise and even fill in missing audio tracks.

This might not seem like much, but it has huge implications for video editing. By using AI to do some of the heavy liftings, editors can save themselves time and effort while also improving the quality of their work. While there’s still a long way to go before we see AI-powered tools that can replace human editors altogether, the technology is certainly moving in that direction—and fast.

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2. Fotor video enhancer

Try Fotor’s online video enhancer to instantly improve video quality, including settings for sharpness, brightness and so on to make videos clearer. You can easily to remove your video noise by using Fotor. There is no skills and installation required. With just one click, Fotor video quality enhancer will perform the AI video enhancement automatically.


-Easy for anyone to use, no need skills.

-Powered by AI, easily impove video quality.

-It offers online video enhancer, no need to download.


-Only supports up to 60s video input

3. Professional Podcast Videos.

Professional podcasts videos are new video editing trends in 2023 because they are a great way to build an audience and share your message with the world. But they can be challenging to make, especially if you’re new to video editing. There are so many moving parts involved in creating a professional-looking podcast video that it can be hard for podcasters to do it all by themselves—especially when they have other work commitments as well!

With the rise of podcasts, many people have started listening to them while they’re driving, working out, or simply relaxing at home. That said, there are still plenty of people who prefer listening to audio-only—and that’s where video comes in. While most podcasts aren’t made with video in mind, there are ways to create professional-looking videos for your podcast episodes (even if you don’t have much experience with video editing).

4. Extended Reality in Video Editing.

Extended reality is the idea that when we watch a video, we can experience it in 3D at the same time. This means that viewers can interact with their environment as they watch and have more control over what they see. For example, if you’re watching a football game on TV, you can choose to turn on the “sky cam” or “highlights cam” to get different vantage points of plays as they happen.

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Technology has given us more ways than ever to experience our favorite shows and movies. Virtual reality (VR) allows us to become completely immersed in fictional worlds, while augmented reality (AR) overlays digital content on top of the real world. With so many different ways for people to experience media, it only makes sense that video editors would want to take advantage of these emerging technologies as well!

5. Video Pre and Post-Production Planning.

The process of planning and preparing for a shoot is called pre-production. Pre-production is another video editing trends to look out for in 2023 and is often the most time-consuming phase of creating a video, but it’s worth it because it ensures that everything goes smoothly on set. It’s important to have all your equipment ready and working before filming starts, as well as any extras like wardrobe or props.

You should also have a clear idea of what you want to achieve from your video. This will help you decide what shots are needed, how long each scene should be, and where it takes place.

The next video editing trend to look out for in 2023 is post-production. This is the process of editing and polishing your footage into a finished product. It’s also another video editing trends that can take a long time but is worth it because it allows you to perfect every aspect of your film, from its overall tone to the smallest details like lighting and color grading.

6. Educational Videos.

You’ve probably heard that “people love to learn” and this is very true. People are always looking for ways to improve themselves and their lives, whether it’s by learning a new skill or improving on an existing one. This makes educational videos extremely popular.

Educational videos are another video editing trends that will continue to grow in popularity over the next few years. These are videos that teach people something new or give them tips on how to do something better. You can also training videos to make it more interesting and engaging to watch. These can be extremely useful for businesses and brands, but they also have the potential to go viral if they’re entertaining enough.

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7. High Definition Videos with the Cinema Look.

HD videos are becoming the new standard in video and photo editing. You can’t expect to go viral without high-definition content, and it’s important that your videos have a cinematic look. A good place to start is by using the right camera and lens combination, but there are also some software tools available that will help you achieve this effect even if you don’t have expensive equipment.

Many people are looking for ways to make their videos look more professional and high-quality. They want to make them stand out from the crowd, but they don’t have the budget or resources to hire a professional videographer. That’s why so many people are turning to cinematic video editing trends. These are editing techniques that give your videos a high-quality film look without having to drop thousands of dollars on equipment or take months off work to learn how to use it properly.

8. Interactive Whiteboard Videos.

Interactive whiteboard videos are one of the most popular types of online video right now. The reason is that they take a very specific type of video (a how-to tutorial) and add an element that makes it more engaging. This is usually done by adding in some sort of game or quiz that challenges the viewer to answer questions while watching your video.

The viewer is able to interact with the video and has a chance to win prizes or other rewards for answering questions correctly. This makes your video more fun and engaging than a standard how-to tutorial.

Final Takeaway: Video Editing Trends

These are just a few of the trends that we saw emerging from the video editing community. While the precise technology to achieve these trends may still be in development, they do offer a window into what the future of video editing might entail. And as with any new technologies, it is up to you to decide how best to incorporate them into your work. But one thing is clear—with so many options available, there’s no end to the possibilities.

Video editing is a very dynamic industry, and professionals are always looking for ways to improve the efficiency of their workflow. No doubt, we’ll see plenty of new trends in video editing over the next few years. Some might lead to a more simplified approach, while others may be more complex than ever. However, one thing is certain: video editing will continue to grow in popularity as a field of work. There’s no better time than the present to get started if you haven’t already.